Friday, March 15, 2013

Week 10: LoTi Survey and Levels of Technology Integration

Food for Thought: "Technology is a gift of God. We just have to learn how to use it!"

Our wonderful experience is about to end and I started to hate the times when I didn't have enough time to explore the assignments thouroughly and with maximum dedication...I've started to miss this class already...

This week we found out about LoTI...unfortunately the following image and my colleagues posts were the closest I could get to it, because the username lotiguest didn't work any longer because it had been deleted overnight. I think it was due to the fact that it contained the word "test": lotiguest..I believe I saw a warning somewhere saying that if your username or password contains the word "test" the account will be nightly deleted. Therefore I am very grateful to the posts everyone wrote in Discussions on nicenet so I could see how LoTi works.. It seems really interesting!

My final comment--as I lack the time to write more due to the immense amount of work that I have received lately--is about technology and its amazing effects upon my English classes: I really believe that technology is the helping hand that allows us teachers to keep our students engaged in the learning process as it appeals to their world and their lifestyles..


Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 9: Multiple Intelligences-- Our way of learning is complex and unique

Food for Thought: "Everyone is a genius. If you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree it will live its life believing that it is stupid." --Albert Einstein

This week has been lovely. We had to read some fabulous materials on multiple intelligences and how to use technology in our favour, in order to work and develop the strengths that our students have and boost their self-esteem (everyone is a star in his/her field of expertise) as well as their weaknesses in certain areas:

I just love how technology can help us teachers along, giving us the "helping hand" that we needed:

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week 8: ANVIL and Other TechTools

Food for Thought: "Be the fish that swims upstream." 

                     "Technology is like a fish. The longer it stays on the shelf, the less desirable it becomes."
                                                                                                                 --Andrew Heller
It's been an interesting week. Busy and hectic, but with lots of new ideas and exciting new sites and methods to use in class. Technology fluency and innovative thinking are key words for teaching students nowadays. They belong to a technological generation that should be used to resorting to such tools and gadgets before they became employees for various companies. It's no longer a training course once they are hired by distinguished companies, but the process starts much earlier and being trained to make use of such resources  has become integral part of our teaching kit.

With regards to this week's tasks, all have been really exciting and new. However, I have to admit that Anvil has been such a maze in my case, a real maze for the brain, but in the end it's worth the 'walk' through it. I've added a greater number of Delicious from there..Isn't that thrilling?


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week 7: How to Help Them 'Gain' Their Independence

Food for Thought: "Moving the Bus Forward"
This week I realised that, as much as you can try to achieve the goal of turnining your students into autononous learners through non-technological methods, it is painstaking. Why not recur to technology if we learn in a modern world and we have to prepare our students for this very life, a technology-based life?
What I loved a lot and found very inspiring and clear was the following site:" It provided lots of techniques to experiment with during class in order to vary the ways we use that single computer and make students become of the process of using this resource themselves. They become more interested once they are personally involved with it and the fact that they know their way with that computer makes them feel better and increases their self-esteem. One of my favourite is polling the class and make charts of the results.

I have discovered a new way to use the only computer, very similarly to making an imaginary itinerary made of pictures that the students have brought (as have visited or wish to visit)--Tahsina's idea--, or making up a story together. My version is much shorter than a story and it's very fun, because it involves each student who may go to the computer and write only one word, but one that can contribute the a valid sentence. The sentence-machine activity via technology. Another activity stands for working on text together, turn by turn again, as in the Sentence-Machine, but this time, the students are given a text and they can only delete one word, but in a way that it shouldn't affect the text. It's interesting to see how the text disappears and meanwhile learn which parts in a sentence/text are the most important and of which the students might dispose. 

Going back to  learner autonomy, this is what all teachers should strive in their classes, to help the students become self-made men. I think that almost all project-based activities or 'engaging students' classes are steps on the path towards gaining their independence.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Week6: Engaging Students Is ALL about Interaction

Food for Thought: Untying their brains and maximizing their thinking will unleash their personae

This week we read and talked about engaging students and viewed numerous different interactive techniques that make students active even in large classes. The goal is to create a "learning laboratory," to make an active workshop for discovery out of each course. We should put all our efforts into this in order to thus change this context of dropouts and absenteeism because, as Nelson Mandela said it clear enough: "Education is the most powerful weapon to change the world."

Concerning the importance of engaging students, I guess that there is no need to stress the vital and infinitely positive aspects of active learning. I will thus focus on different ways and techniques that I have learnt about this week in order to achieve that class atmosphere.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week 5: PBL--The Ultimate Adventure

Food for Thought: "Be PRACTICAL, Teach Practical English"

Kids love projects. It's part of human nature to take up these discovery 'adventures.' It's curiosity. It's a mere reflex--the most basic of survival instincts. It's their chance to "shine." This would be the reasons why projects still work and will, for as long as teachers would make them attractive for their students. Projects help them grow and give them the chance to express their personality. How could they not like them then? It's inner deep motivation to be involved in projects that appeal to their interests, to their age, to their previous knowledge, to their weaknesses that they know they should work on. Their behaviour?! Very engaged students thus, once they resonated with the idea proposed by the project. Let's take for instance "Drama Clubs/Plays" or "Reader Theatre's Activities". They simply love them. They'll reverberate always.

I will now talk about the benefits of such a task. It can be fun, interesting and the project gets them to share and collaborate. It helps them socialize better and they gradually learn to improve their communication in English, and possibly in time, they might grow to think straight into English...something that most of my students lack. They seem to have this bad habit of translating their thoughts from Romanian to English. They preserve the Romanian structures and patterns so this hinders communication at times.

Moreover, they need projects to improve their critical skills and enlarge their creative powers. It's a magic realm-- what a good and real-life oriented project can offer! In addition, when working together they learn to discuss and negotiate, so they gain something not only professionally, but also as human beings. 

On the other hand, alternative assessment seems to offer a clear image upon what exactly is expected from  students and it offers guidance on attaining our teaching goals and lesson objectives, but what I liked most this week was WebQuest, a wonderful opportunity to work on projects! What is most interesting and practical about it is its structure: students can see right from beginning the steps that they are supposed to follow!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week 4: Tech to enhance our "Dancing" in English

Food for Thought: "It's important to keep walking..."

The Reading materials for this week have been really exciting and most of them quite new for me, so I gained much stimulating information and for this I am very grateful to everyone who posted Discussions on Nicenet. Reading is indeed a mystery, as Hector mentions on his blog, a mystery that belongs to us humans. I was also intrigued by the way words in a text seem similarly woven as in quilt. I guess there's no wonder it is called "texture," when in fact they have such analogical patterns.

Furthermore, I would like to share one particular site that I've grown very fond of during this week and which I already shared with my classes, because they need to develop their storytelling skills and this site is the right one for that particular need they have: They loved it! I hope they will keep their enthusiasm and keep on working on it weekly. 

Moreover, during the past few weeks, I've been keen on discovering what helps people build these connections within a text so as to make it intelligible and cohesive. My ninth graders seem to lack that at this point. They have this bad habit to think in Romanian structures that they desperately strive then to translate, failing of course because the structures are rather different and what works for a Romanian storytelling does not in English narrative. This is why I also recommended them the famous FoldingStory site I've encountered in one of the discussions of our class, on Nicenet, and I am eager to see the changes this might trigger among my students: because the individual contribution is quite short, there's no pressure regarding the "response," as there are no wrong answers when it comes to literature, there is suspense and curiosity to see how the story develops, and on top of all, they get to learn from each other. I think that it will be very beneficial for them, especially since they are already familiar to a certain extent: we sometimes play a similar game in class--we form a "train" and everyone is supposed to continue the sentence by adding an appropriate word. It teaches them a lot about syntax and word order and they've made lots of progress as they now spot the error as well as correct each other whenever one places a noun instead of an adverb and so on so forth. 

On the other hand, I would like to share a really wonderful method I've discovered this week on the following blog: What I liked most about it, is the fact that this LingQ programme can really help my students keep track of their learning and build up their vocabulary and definetely increase their confidence in English production!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 3: Oral Skills in Delicious Proportions

Quote of the Week: 
"God gave us two ears..
and one mouth so that we can hear twice as much as we say."

This week I've been using much of my two eyes checking the sites particularly created for the eyes of English learners all over the world. However, the amount of links encountered has again been overwhelming, and if it weren't for Courtney's wonderful idea to insert the "Delicious" task in this week's course, I might have felt a little bit like drowning when "hunting" in that ocean of links that lead to numerous  resources related to teaching listening, speaking, efl, etc. Therefore, THANK YOU.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week 2: "Search Engines&the ABCD Objective"

My Food for Thought for This Week:

                                                "DECISION IS A CHOICE (especially when...
Feeling Overwhelmed with Bookmarks)"

I've entitled this week's reflection as such, due to the fact that I strongly believe that one's brain, in spite of the amount of knowledge and information encountered in a certain period of time, still has the ability to organise it and retain the core of it.

It is a sort of "Roundabout Underwing" effect, triggered by a successful combination of one's work with one's love for fresh ideas, in my case for teaching ideas and thus re-inventing oneself as a teacher.

Nevertheless, I am now aware that I should probably need another week or more, in order to fully explore the almost 200 links that I have gathered in my bookmark list in connection to search engines and teaching resources sites.

In addition, during the past week, I somehow had to face some difficulties in designing that accurate ABCD Objective, becoming a source of stress for me, since I wanted it so badly to fit my next week curriculum for the class that I have chosen as "Subject-Class" for the Project Task.

It seems like the 'frame within a frame' technique I know but I'm looking forward to applying what I've learnt and to thus reading their blogs and follow their posts regularly to see how much they improve their writing skills. Their first task was to write about their winter holidays, whilst for the next task I want them to receive an ABCD Objective and see how it works for them. 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week 1: "Building Teacher Skills Through the Interactive Web "

Today's Food for Thought is:

                                                "Most people don't care enough to make a difference. 
                                                 Fortunately, we're not most people."
                                                                                                    --Seith Godin

There are teachings everywhere. You just have to look hard enough. As a teacher, I know that it takes curiosity to make things going and brighten up our lives and world, and mistakes to learn from, in order to become better. 

During the past week, I felt very happy and extraordinarily grateful to have been given the chance--by the Oregon University-AEI E-Teacher Scholarship program-- to participate to this wonderful interactive web course that should help us - teachers- overcome our technological 'inadvertence' when teaching our students English and keeping up with the latest trends and technological changes. The problem with technology is that it can be rather disheartening at times, so we are to devise tricks like motivational quotations, stories, songs  or pictures to cheer us up. (see the picture above)

I should probably confess by now that this is my first blog to have ever written. Moreover, this has been an exciting week as I had to struggle with new terms and discover a whole new 'galaxy' that differs from the time-consuming socializing networks as well as other internet resources that I might have already been familiar with. It has enlarged my teaching vision in a way that I may have not expected: I was aware of the fact that the course would help me work my way out through new teaching techniques, but I don't think that I've ever foreseen the potential of these tools, e.g. blogging or word-processing to give immediate feedback to the learners in such an easy and open way.

Furthermore, I must admit that I am much impressed by the course itself as well as the way it is conducted, not to mention the brilliant idea to design it in the form of an 'organic web,' that is a learning community that learns at its own pace and evolves constantly, similarly to a hive. I am looking forward to expressing my thoughts here, and weekly,  with regards to the course and its every weekly task. 

Finally, I salute all the members of the course, and especially the intructors, thanking them for reminding me that: "Inspiration exists; but it has to find you working." (Pablo Picasso)